Eggzamin™ Best FEC Fecal Egg Count Test Kits for Parasite Management Deworming Information

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Deworming a Pregnant Mare: An Essential Guide

Deworming is a crucial aspect of equine care, especially for pregnant mares. In this blog, we provide valuable information on the timing of deworming for pregnant mares without the need for veterinary intervention. By understanding the importance of utilizing the Eggzamin Kit and conducting a Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT), you can effectively manage parasites and ensure the health of your pregnant mare. Read on for a brief and informative guide to deworming a pregnant mare.

When to Deworm a Pregnant Mare:

Deworming a pregnant mare requires careful consideration of the gestational stage to ensure both the mare's and foal's well-being. Here are essential guidelines:

  1. Pre-Breeding: Before breeding the mare, it is crucial to initiate a deworming program. Conduct an FECRT using the Eggzamin Kit to determine the mare's parasite load. Based on the results, administer a deworming treatment to reduce the parasite burden and create a favorable environment for conception.

  2. Early Gestation: Once the mare is confirmed pregnant, it is generally recommended to deworm her around 60 days of gestation. This timing helps address any potential parasite issues early in the pregnancy.

  3. Late Gestation: Deworming a pregnant mare towards the end of gestation is essential to minimize the risk of parasite transmission to the foal. Administer a deworming treatment approximately four to six weeks prior to the expected foaling date.

Importance of Eggzamin Kit and FECRT:

  1. Eggzamin Kit: Utilizing the Eggzamin Kit allows you to collect a fecal sample from the mare and assess the presence of parasite eggs. The kit provides a simple and reliable method for conducting a fecal egg count, aiding in determining the appropriate timing for deworming.

  2. Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT): Conducting an FECRT is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of your deworming treatment. By comparing pre- and post-treatment fecal egg counts, you can gauge the level of parasite control achieved. This information helps ensure that the chosen dewormer is effective in reducing the parasite burden.

By incorporating the Eggzamin Kit and FECRT into your deworming routine for pregnant mares, you:

  • Ensure Proper Timing: The Eggzamin Kit enables you to determine the appropriate timing for deworming based on the mare's parasite load. This ensures effective parasite control throughout her pregnancy.

  • Monitor Deworming Efficacy: Conducting an FECRT helps evaluate the effectiveness of the deworming treatment. It provides valuable insights into the level of parasite control achieved, allowing adjustments if needed.