Highly Recommended!

“Thank you Eggzamin! I am grateful for your product and service. Its because of the parasite test and procedure you've created, I can be mindful of the environment and my horse's condition without deworming!!! Would love to hear how you got inspired, your story must be fascinating.”

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Fighting ParasitesBeth Ford
Are You Overdosing?

Our specialized FEC test kits give you everything you need to conduct unlimited McMaster Fecal Egg Counts. The Eggzamin Microscope FEC test kits are designed to make the process quick and easy. We provide you with all the tools you need to make better choices for your horses.

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Fighting ParasitesBeth Ford
Equine Care: Understanding the Main Parasite Threats to Horses

Introduction: As horse owners, it is crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of our equine companions. Parasitic infections pose a significant threat to horses, affecting their overall health and performance. Understanding the main parasite threats and their impact on horse care is essential for effective parasite management. In this blog, we will explore the primary parasite to look for in horse care and discuss preventive measures to ensure the well-being of your beloved horses.

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Fecal Testing: Preventing Parasite Resistance for Healthy Horses, Sheep, Goats, and Llamas

Parasite resistance is a growing concern among horse, sheep, goat, and llama owners and caretakers. Over time, parasites can develop resistance to commonly used dewormers, making them less effective in controlling infections. Fecal testing provides an invaluable tool for preventing parasite resistance and promoting the health of our horses, sheep, goats, and llamas. In this blog, we will explore the importance of fecal testing in preventing parasite resistance and discuss how it contributes to the overall well-being of these animals.

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When to Wean Your Colt: A Guide for Horse Owners

Deciding when to wean your colt is an important consideration for horse owners. Weaning is a crucial milestone in a young horse's life and requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. In this blog, we will provide guidance on the best time to wean your colt, taking into account important factors such as age, development, and overall well-being.

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FoalsJoan Wilder
Deworming a Pregnant Mare: An Essential Guide

Deworming a pregnant mare requires careful consideration and adherence to proper timing guidelines. By utilizing the Eggzamin Kit to assess the mare's parasite load and conducting an FECRT, you can effectively manage parasites and promote the health of both the mare and the developing foal. Following the recommended deworming schedule outlined in this guide will help ensure optimal parasite control during the various stages of pregnancy. Remember, a proactive approach to deworming and monitoring is essential for the well-being of your pregnant mare.

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Understanding the FECRT: The Primary Weapon Against Internal Parasite Resistance

The FECRT is a vital weapon in the battle against internal parasite resistance in livestock. By evaluating treatment efficacy, monitoring parasite control, and detecting resistance, the FECRT allows you to make informed decisions about deworming strategies. Regular use of the FECRT helps preserve the effectiveness of deworming treatments, ensuring the health and productivity of your livestock. Embrace the FECRT as a primary tool in managing parasite resistance, and be proactive in your parasite control practices. By doing so, you can effectively combat internal parasite resistance and safeguard the well-being of your livestock.

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Where To Buy Quality McMaster Slides: Eggzamin Precision Microscope Slides For Counting Parasite Eggs

Unlocking Accurate Quantification: Eggzamin's McMaster Method Microscope Slides incorporate a precisely calibrated grid pattern, ensuring precise quantification of microscopic organisms, including helminth parasite eggs. With consistent spacing and sizing of grid squares, accurate results are guaranteed, boosting the reliability of your research.

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Unraveling the Link: Internal Parasites and Health-Behavior Issues in Horses

Internal parasites pose a significant threat to the well-being of horses, impacting not only their physical health but also their behavior. Understanding the connection between internal parasites, health problems, and behavioral changes is crucial for identifying and addressing potential issues in equine companions. In this article, we explore how internal parasites can cause health and behavior problems in horses and shed light on the intricate relationship between the two.

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What Are The Main Parasites That Horses Get? Here Are The Top 4

Internal parasites pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of horses. Understanding the types of parasites that can affect your equine companion is crucial for their overall care and maintaining their optimal health. In this article, we will delve into the main internal parasites horses are susceptible to, including worms and their eggs, and highlight the importance of using dewormers as part of an effective parasite control program.

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